For the first time since 1917, the annual celebrations held on May 13th at the Fatima shrine will be held via broadcast due to COVID-19. According to the shrine’s website found here, the celebrations generally held on May 12th and 13th will commence with the recitation of the Rosary at 9:20 p.m., followed by the Candlelight Procession. On May 13th, the Rosary will be prayed at 9 AM followed by the International Mass and the Farewell Procession. To learn more about the upcoming Fatima celebrations, check out Orange County Catholic’s article here.
Although FranU has had to reschedule our International Healthy Aging Course which included a trip to Fatima, we are looking forward to providing this opportunity to students in the future. In the meantime, we should all continue to practice social distancing, wearing masks when in public areas, and following state regulations regarding public spaces and gatherings.