Our Research
An awareness of being blessed by God in all things.
Gerontology Scientific Organizations
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
The American Geriatrics Society accepted our manuscript Increasing Health-Related Internet Use In A Culturally And Ethically Diverse Community for a poster presentation in the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society in Orlando, Florida.
The American Geriatrics Society is nationwide network of over 6,000 healthcare professionals whose aim is to improve the lives, health, and independence of older people. Members of AGS include geriatricians, geriatric nurses, family practitioners, pharmacists and internists.
Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the largest and most established interdisciplinary scientific organization devoted to the advancement of gerontological research, learning, and practice. Through its Annual Scientific Meeting, GSA offers nearly 4,000 international professionals in the field of aging the opportunity to learn the latest trends and development from industry leaders, build strategic partnerships to address aging challenges, and network with peers.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE)
Established in 1974, the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) is a membership organization of colleges and universities that offer education, training, and research programs in the field of aging.
The purpose of AGHE is to foster the commitment of higher education to the field of aging through education, research, and public service. We have been a member school since 2012 and we recently attended the 44th AGHE Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference to stay abreast of the most current trends in gerontology in higher education.
Research Projects
Culturally Informed Healthy Aging (CIHA) HUD
The CIHA program integrates nursing, anthropology and epidemiology as an approach for a Nurse Practitioner to systematically partner with communities and providers to assess social determinants of health to identify community cultural capital (community strengths and assets) and issues central to aging and health. The CIHA program partnered with 4 HUD facilities owned by Our Lady of the Lake to serve as a model program to provide population-based gerontology and healthy aging interventions.
Aging2.0 Baton Rouge Chapter Launch and Panel Presentation with Aging2.0, AARP – A Tale of Two Cities, How Community Impacts Aging
In recent years, we’ve developed an exciting relationship with the Baton Rouge chapter of Aging2.0 and participated in the Panel Presentation with Aging2.0, AARP – A Tale of Two Cities, How Community Impacts Aging. Founded in 2012, Aging2.0 strives to accelerate innovation to address the biggest challenges and opportunities surrounding aging.