June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, so take some time today to familiarize yourself with the warning signs of elder abuse and how you can report it. Elderly adults are frequently victims of abuse and neglect, often perpetrated by members of their own family. Whether the abuse is financial, physical, or even acts of neglect, its important to know how you can identify victims of this abuse and protect their rights. The National Institute on Aging has identified several types of elder abuse: Financial, Physical, Emotional, Neglect, Abdondemnt, and Sexual abuse. The NIA’s very informative article on elder abuse can be found here.
Do you suspect that an older adult is being abused? To report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of seniors in the community by family members or friends in the State of Louisiana you can call Elderly Protective Services at 1-833-577-6532. To report elder abuse in a facility or by a healthcare provider go to http://www.ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/254/n/26 to learn more.