
Do you celebrate Boxing Day?

Boxing Day

We all know that December the 25th is Christmas Day- a day many of us are eagerly looking forward to! However, the day after Christmas, known around the world as Boxing Day, may give us another opportunity to celebrate with our families and friends.

Boxing Day is celebrated throughout the world in countries like England, Canada, and New Zealand. December the 26th is believed to be called Boxing Day as this was the day that alms boxes were opened to allow for donations to the less fortunate.

Throughout the years, many countries began sports traditions on Boxing Day such as rugby or horse racing. Why not begin your own Boxing Day traditions with your family? Perhaps rewatching your favorite Christmas movies one more time, read that new book you got as a gift, or see what great meals can be made from your Christmas leftovers! Any time that we have to celebrate with our families is time well spent!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Gero at FranU!