COVID put the brakes on Senior Adult Ministry at First United Methodist Church. Prior to COVID, the ministry offered enriching activities aimed at members and non-members alike. We had day trips to such sites at the World War II Museum in New Orleans, the Greater Baton Rouge Zoo and Oakley House in St. Francisville.
A day trip to the touring Michelangelo exhibit was planned for the River Center here in Baton Rouge about the time the pandemic started. That exhibit has been postponed three times because of COVID. We look forward to rescheduling it in the near future and offering more enrichment programs.
In addition, First UMC sponsored a monthly lunch and entertainment program before COVID. This program is aimed at members and those who live in retirement communities and assisted living facilities. Several buses from retirement communities lined America Street to let off their riders. Programs were varied, with a Cajun band, our own Dick Webb at the piano, and a gospel choir from First Baptist Church. A meal was served following the program, but following the governor’s proclamations on indoor activities have kept us from resuming at this time.
One of the most popular programs has been the Healthy Aging Talk-arounds put on by Fran U. Participants from various churches attended the lunchtime talk by Dr. Lindsay Mullins of Fran U Gerontology. A lively discussion followed her presentations. Many who attended have asked me when the next presentation is. So far, we have had two talk-arounds and look forward to more.
Our senior program also reaches out to those who can’t get out on their own. Congregational Care Lay Ministers (not all senior adults) visit our home-bound members, especially important during the pandemic.
As you can see, our seniors are an active group that looks forward to getting back together.