Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16! Joe Lohman, 65, is a father of 2, grandfather of 1. Today he shares his insights on fatherhood and what being a great dad is all about.
What would you say are the most challenging aspects of fatherhood?
Well, we were blessed with two kids who were so confident and independent. It is important for parents to set standards and to allow their kids to be independent and to discover their unique skills. You really can’t dictate to your kids. They have to grow on their own. I do think it’s important for your kids to develop their own specific work ethic.
How is being a grandfather different from fatherhood?
It’s fun to see our kids in their own kids. Their mannerisms, the phrases they pick up from their parents. It’s great to see those you love in the grand kids you love.
You were married for 10 years before you had kids. How was that experience for your family compared to your friends?
I think that was a good decision. Having kids is such a life changing experience and I’m glad we were settled in our marriage. Many of our friends were having kids immediately after they were married but I’m glad it turned out the way it did.
Are there differences in a “parenting style” versus raising a son versus raising a daughter?
I think the best parenting style advice I could give is to learn when to keep your mouth shut!
Watching your son becoming a father, what are some things that you hope you’ve passed on to your son?
My son is much more patient than I am, and I was very patient with my kids! He’s very compassionate too, which is a lovely thing to see.
Father’s Day is Sunday… are we expecting any gifts?
Just having my family together, and getting all the hugs!